Sunday, February 4, 2007

Haunted by "Bartleby"...!!!

I have read and reread "Bartleby the Scrivener"...much to my sadness.
After the first reading, I found myself even constructing my own thoughts in strange and tedious fashions. The Narrator, the lawyer who employs Bartleby, is found in a world of, dare I say it again....tedious work and even the story is so overly descriptive of all environments and activities that the way it is presented to the reader in long superfluous narration was tedious to read. Even I was bored with the job of scrivener by the time I completed the story the first time!
Bartleby, so depressed....unable to find any joy in the world and any solace for his existence on the planet that he dies. How very sad. Perhaps Bartleby's spirit was broken a long time ago from severe heart-break or he has just always been prone to depression. Nonetheless, he functioned just to pass the day..."preferring" to not do much asked of him other than what he felt like doing! Bartleby flabbergasted his employer. Goodness knows, for a lawyer to choose a position as scrivener seems like a waste of talent and knowledge...but someone with legalese needed to do it I suppose.
All I know is that the narrator and the other scriveners were numb to the dullness of their job and their daily routine. No one person is responsible for an other's depression, and in the end Bartleby reached his pinnacle of depression by just failing to thrive...starving to death in a prison because he was so "passive" and sad. This story perplexed me.
Now I really want to find work that I LOVE for fear of becoming a lost soul in a wondrous world!

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