Thursday, April 19, 2007

In-Class Prompt 19 April 2007

Respond to this question:
Can we do anything to ease the suffering of others? We can only do what we can...what we feel we can do that will fit in with our lifestyle yet still help us feel connected to others and compassionate. I guess in a way, helping others is selfish, it makes us feel better about ourselves and helps us rationalize our own good fortune.

Should we? Yes, we should do what we can without sacrificing our own family's needs and resources. I guess sometimes a group effort seems more fruitful and lends actual help, but a group takes many individuals...just don't let the problem overtake you or allow it to change your own hope for the future and belief in others.

The poem forces you, the reader, to make an interpretive choice. What is your choice?
My choice is: yeah, shit happens....sometimes we notice, sometimes we turn a "blind eye"...sometimes we CAN help...but I cannot make the theme of others my own. The not-so-old saying "think globally, act locally." I gotta take care of me and mine, and yet I am part of a community and I need to be available to those around me in need.

What is your interpretation? Should we act to ease suffering or is it beyond our scope to do so?

I interpret the idea to be "pain is all around...sometimes people are too busy to even care to notice and we sometimes need to turn away for our own mental health. But, when we do have the resources and the power to aid others, then we are responsible for some effort."


Deana said...

Amy, have you ever considered pursuing an English major and then maybe even pursue a law degree. Back when I was a respiratory care student, an English professor asked me the same question. She said a good indicator of an "English" type is being able to see the complexity of a question and to provide an answer that explores that complexity rather than seeking to say X or Y is the right answer. The opportunity to see and analyze the complexity of issues is why law students often puruse an English degree in prepartion for law school. You've written that type of response here--one that explores complexity rather than seeking to provide an easy answer.

Amy Woolston said...

Oh my goodness...and then become the butt of all those lawyer jokes, eh? I wish I knew better what I should do and what I want to do now...all can see at this point is the beginning of a semester, the middle, and then the end! I know I better choose. Your husband also talked with me about my plans and suggested education. I thought about becoming a Chemistry/Biology teacher for HS since I love the sciences so much...but I HATE the math with a passion. Thx for the comment, coming from you it really gets me to thinking, even thought you know I'd be 50 before I could even practice law or begin my next career!