Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Personal Observations about Fiction, Poetry, and Drama

I have begun reading the Drama chapter from the class text, and some ideas are floating around my head:

Fiction is like expanding ideas and situations to explain a scenario and capture our hearts and minds.

Poetry is like minimizing the use of words to express and idea or emotion, and concentrating it all!

Drama is like itemizing individual correspondence/dialog to express a "grand total" of an idea over the course of a dramatization, leaving us to connect earlier thoughts to a grand picture of design.

I never really grouped these all together as Literature. Now, with the aid of this course and the pieces we have viewed, I can see that Literature comes in the form of many faces. I think I took it all for granted, like I take life for granted. This beautiful yet linguistic transfer of knowledge and feeling that seems to weave its way through our lives without us knowing it is a gift.

We all have it, we all use it, we're just not always aware that we do.
Even if I write a bad poem or a poor story, at least I put it down...there is no fault for personal journey. Maybe many faults for style and exposition, yet, we are mortal and only the words we speak and write are left behind. I feel very small right now, yet very large in my own little world of the English language.
If I die tomorrow, at the very least I was pursuing knowledge of things I knew so little about.

a twist on the old saying: "if you get lemons, make lemonade"...

"out of shit, make manure!" That's what I intend to do, and may the flowers blossom!

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